Caritas Malta

€ 435.00 collected

Caritas mission is to alleviate poverty and promote human development and social justice, witnessing to the Christian faith and Gospel values.

The Mission

Caritas mission is to alleviate poverty and promote human development and social justice, witnessing to the Christian faith and Gospel values. To fulfil this mission, – Adheres to the guiding values and principles of the Pastoral Plan of the Diocese and the Strategic Plan of Caritas Internationalis and Caritas Europa;

– Renews its preferential option for the poor and gives witness of this commitment within the Christian community;
– Raises public awareness of poverty and injustice;
– Facilitates co-operation within and beyond the Caritas organisation in order to address the old and new faces of poverty
– Acts as the voice of the poor and enables the poor to become agents for change.


The Vision

Drawing its inspiration from Scripture, the Church’s Social teaching, and the experiences and hopes of people in difficulty, Caritas Malta strives towards a “civilisation of love” within the Maltese community where:

– the dignity and the fundamental rights of each person are safeguarded and respected;

– truth, charity, justice, peace, freedom and solidarity are lived and promoted;

– the common good prevails over individual interests

– the environment is protected and embellished;

– disadvantaged persons are empowered to develop their resources and helped to restore their sense of co-responsibility in building a better society where all are gathered into a single human family from which no one is excluded.Caritas:


The Making

Caritas Malta was founded on the 11th November 1968 when Caritas National Council was set up to co-ordinate and develop social assistance and charitable activities. Its first director was Rev. Fortunato Mizzi (MAS).

The following organisations formed part of the Council; the Social Development Committee (Social Action Movement), the Social Assistance Secretariat (Catholic Action), the Society of St. Vincent de Paule, St Francis Guild for the Blind, St Elizabeth Society for Needy Children and the Gozo Diocesan Service.

In January 1977, His Grace Mgr. Joseph Mercieca, the Archbishop of Malta, set up Secretariats for the different fields in Church pastoral action, among which was the Secretariat for Diocesan Social and Charitable Action. Mgr. Victor Grech was appointed Archbishop’s Delegate for the Secretariat. The purpose of this Secretariat was to strengthen and co-ordinate Church social services and develop new services according to need. In view of the overlapping roles of Caritas Malta and the Secretariat, Caritas National Council became part of the newly established Secretariat. Rev. Fortunato Mizzi resigned from his post as Director of Caritas National Council and Mgr. Victor Grech was nominated in his stead.

The Statute of Caritas National Council was revised and approved in 1977. At that time, the Council was made up of representatives of the following: Social Assistance Secretariat (Catholic Action); Social Development Committee (MAS); Marriage Advisory Committee (Cana); Society of St. Vincent de Paule; Ladies of Charity; St. Francis Guild for the Blind; Gozo Diocesan Social Service; and respective representatives of the College of Parish Priests, the Council of Male Provincials and the Council of Major Female Superiors. The St. Jeanne Antide Welfare Campaign was accepted as Member organisation of the Council in July 1980.

The First Volunteers

Mgr. Victor Grech, believing in the potential and generous self-giving of young people, set up a Caritas Youth Volunteer Group in May 1977. In one of his Lenten Sermons to young people, he launched an appeal to those who were willing to commit themselves to serve God in the poorest of the poor with this evangelical inspiration:

“Whatsoever you do to the least of My brothers, you do it to Me.” (Mt. 25:40)

Twenty young people accepted this invitation and started to meet frequently at Caritas Centre, then at Palazzo Carafa, in Bakery Street Valletta, to build themselves personally, spiritually and as a community to be able to give the best possible service to the poor.
Formation in voluntary social work was given to the group on a weekly basis and at weekend seminars through Skills training, case studies, value clarification, and empathy.

The Volunteer Corps was founded with the intention of forming gospel-motivated persons to serve people in difficulty. Consequently, much stress was laid on spiritual formation, personal growth in love of God and neighbour.

As the number of the volunteers swelled, well over 60, the need was felt to change the system of formation. The weekly meetings for the whole group were alternated between spiritual and social training. By 1980, the volunteers were divided into components according to their sector of social voluntary work

A brief history of the Foundation of New Hope

Caritas Malta had long been aware of the problem of drug abuse that crept slowly on the Island. An interest in the drug problem was at its rudimentary stage as far back as 1973 when a Drugs Commission was set up.

In 1977, the Commission was encouraged to focus its attention on educational prevention programmes against drug abuse.

In the late 1970’s youths and parents touched by the problem, found a sensitive ear in the person of Mgr. Victor Grech, later the Founder-Chairman of the Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers.

Contacts with Rehabilitation Centres abroad were sought as far back as 1978. In June 1984, Coolemine Lodge Therapeutic Community in Ireland was appointed as consultants in the setting up of the first Rehabilitation Centre in Malta.

After the first qualified staff returned from specialised training abroad, in March 1985, the very first Rehabilitation Day-Programme was launched.

As the number of cases requiring the service increased, a central place was sought for the purpose.

On the 2nd September 1988, a first meeting was held with a group of professionals and business people who offered their voluntary help in the administration of the Residential Rehabilitation Centre. They now form the Board of Directors of the Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers.

Formation of Service Groups

In 1979, Dan Klimazewski, MSW, a professional trainer from the USA, was invited by Caritas to conduct a six-month training course in Management by Objectives (MBO) for the group. This training created a workable system for Caritas Programmes. Using MBO strategy, the group structured itself in Service components:

Community Outreach, Crisis Intervention (Temporary Shelter), Aftercare of Mental Patients, support to the elderly and children in residential homes, Counselling, and Information and Referral.



For the past 30 years, Caritas Malta has been at the forefront in the promotion and recognition of volunteering as a key resource in the field of social care. Caritas acknowledges that, like any resource, volunteering needs tending, investment, strategic development and protection. It recognizes that the relationship of the voluntary sector to society is ever changing and so is the role of volunteering.

In the 21st century, a new and smarter ethos of volunteering is emerging: one that demands a more thoughtful matching up of volunteers and designated tasks. Nowadays, the profile of those who step forward to volunteer is shifting: they have less time but greater skills to offer. Volunteers have clear interests and needs. Learning how to direct and harness these interests and needs is vital if an organisation is to have an effective partnership with its volunteers.

Caritas is on a constant mission in striving to achieve this unique partnership with the 200+ volunteers who give their regular contribution within its various programmes and services. Caritas volunteers are people of all ages and come from diverse social backgrounds, who selflessly give their time and efforts to help people in difficulty, either directly e.g. through our support groups, or indirectly through fundraising, office work, promotional and/or educational initiatives.

The fact that Caritas has assigned a Unit to specifically coordinate and facilitate the volunteering element within the agency reflects the important role which volunteers occupy. In fact, the Caritas Volunteers Unit is the sector responsible for ensuring that volunteers are constantly supported and monitored during all stages of their voluntary work experience – from the recruitment phase to the placement, training, orientation and evaluation phases. The Volunteers Unit must also ensure that the volunteers’ work is acknowledged, and that the experience is gratifying to all parties involved. In brief, it is responsible for guaranteeing that all volunteer contributions make a real difference.