We sadly announce the passing of


* 29th May 1947
+ 8th February 2025

With deep sorrow, we announce the death of my lovely grandmother, Carmen Dimech, that happened suddenly on the morning of Saturday 8 February. She went to meet her mother Pina, her farther Carmelo, her brothers Ganni, Philip and Zeppi and her sisters Josephine and Dolores. 

She will forever be missed by her husband Joseph, her children Sharon and her husband Ivan and Kenneth and his wife Ritianne, her Grandchildren Sven, Kyle, Kezia and Zayn, her and her husband’s siblings and their spouses, other family members and friends.

The funeral will happen in Msida on Wednesday, time to be confirmed and taken to eternal rest in San Blas Cemetery in Zebbug limits of Siggiewi, as her final wish to be with her parents. 

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