Date of Death: 12th March 2021
Published on: 18th March 2021
In the spirit of remembrance, we're offering a heartfelt gesture this November.
List your notices on for FREE throughout the entire month!
It's our way of honoring and remembering those we've lost. Share your cherished memories, and let's keep their legacies alive.
Add a NoticeB'tikira għażiża ta' John Baptist Aquilina li mar jiltaqa' mal-Mulej it-12 ta' Marzu 2021 fl-età ta’ 83 sena.
Qatt minsi minn martu Mary Lourdes, uliedu Michelle u l-partner Frank, Charles u l-partner Claudienne, Diana u żewġha Allister, in-neputijiet Liam u Zane, oħtu, ħut il-mara u l-familji kollha tagħhom, qraba u ħbieb.
Agħtih, o Mulej, il-mistrieħ ta’ dejjem.
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